Sometime back on my way to office
I was lucky to get a BEST Bus (Mumbai public transport) at Ghatkopar railway
station, and even luckier to get a seat, though on the last bench. I was
immersed in my thoughts about pending tasks at office; meetings to attend,
reports to make, mails to answer etc. and unknowingly a small frown had appeared
on my brow.
“Naraaz to nahi?” asked the
conductor as he approached me for a ticket. A smile appeared automatically on
my face at this inquiry from a stranger who seemed concerned at the worried
look on my face. I assured him it was only day to day tasks nothing else.
The conductor left after issuing
the ticket but that smile stayed with me and I followed the conductor as he went
enthusiastically about his routine task of giving out tickets on a busy morning
day and I noticed that he would ask that question to anyone who didn’t smile
during that transaction. He would tell people not to worry, have a good
breakfast, that their worries would not solve anything.
“Mazya bus madhe koni hi
naaraz nako,” (I don’t want anyone in my bus to be unhappy) he told one
passenger in Marathi. He had no solution to a problem nor did he attempt to offer
any, but his sheer enthusiasm and a sincere desire to connect made everyone
smile when they had to interact with him for the ticket. He had befriended a
few regulars and they discussed other matters including work and family between
the stops.
As the bus approached the station
he went about saying ‘Thank You’ to everyone in the bus.
The one good thing about long
commuting times in Mumbai is that it gives you time to reflect and I wondered
what made the bus conductor do what he did. It wasn’t part of his roles and
responsibilities, he wasn’t going to get an incentive or a salary hike nor any reward
or recognition.
Yet single handedly and in a
simple and effective way he was doing what many organizations have been
struggling to do since the recession started setting in – remove the negativity
and make people happy. The atmosphere in that bus was infectiously positive. That
day the conductor thought a few lessons on Happiness.
The first one was that Happiness
is also an attitude. The bus conductor had everything to crib for; a job that
required him to stand all along, a salary that wasn’t exactly shattering and
customers who would be cold and business like often, rude or irritable at times.
Yet unlike most of his ilk he chose not to complain or comply but create his
own world of positivity.
And that world of positivity was
not just for him, he wanted it for everyone on the bus. That was the other big
lesson; that Happiness comes from giving and not from an expectation to
receive. One of the greatest lines written in Bollywood has been Jan Nisaar
Akhtar’s lament for a hopelessly in love Razia Sultana (ai dil-e-nadaan aisi rahoon me kitne kaate hain / arzoo o’ne har kisi dil ko dard baten hain). Expectations and
desires often lead to disappointments and even when they are met you only feel
satisfied, of having received what you feel was due. Lasting happiness can come
only from an act of giving not receiving.
And that for giving you need not
necessarily have an abundance; you only need, what Stephen Covey calls, an
abundance mentality – the thought that you have enough to share with others.
How these simple lessons
unknowingly demonstrated by a bus conductor could be applied at today’s workplace
where consultants and senior management have been trying to make a difference
for years and been only marginally successful. And the one reason for that
could be we live in a world of huge expectations; of big pay rises to fund
large EMIs, of quicker promotions but reduced stress, of more amenities with
lesser responsibilities.
And that the giving back will
come only after we have received enough.
Is it possible to overlook what
we receive and think about what we can give to our customers, our organization,
our community, our country?
Like that conductor on that
crowded bus can we turn to the next person we meet with a frown on his face and
ask, “Naraaz to nahin?”
It may be all that may be needed
to bring about a positive change.